Extract the folder inside the zip file to a location of your choice (I prefer Home folder or Downloads folder).Download the '.zip' file according to your system (I recommend using Linux).Installation is pretty simple if you do it rightly. Since I’m a FOSS guy, I recommend using the sElec Linux on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus. There are two versions you can download : Lock class-division choice to prevent fraud.Run election on multiple computers in a computer lab Can be used for various type of elections.Web based (so it works on Linux/Windows).(I just came up with the name at this moment writing this line) Features So I thought why not make a software for it ? This led to the creation of ' sElec' – a Lobby app for conducting school elections. Even in 21st century, our schools were conducting the election with ballot papers. Like schools all over the world, we have an election for each classes to select our class leader. Don’t mind the word 'Girls' in the name, because in higher secondary both boys and girls study. I’m currently studying in 12th grade at Government Model Girls Higher Secondary School.